Asking: The Third Requirement (principle)

Once we’ve recognized that we don’t know (first requirement)…  paused and stopped thinking (second requirement)… we can lay out our concerns and ask something… other than our minds, a question.  We live in a world of seeming duality, right/wrong, up/down, left/right.  But we are three-part beings body, mind and soul.  We have within us our connection to our source, our soul.  Our source always was, always will be, and is present with us right now. When we ask our source (which contains all information that ever was or will be)… we open our minds to receive inspiration.  This is not thinking.  This is allowing what is there already to present itself so we can re-cognize, and express it.  Our problem comes from our thinking that we know what that should look like.  However, what we receive rarely looks like we think it should… because it didn’t come from our mind.  It is only when we bring our body and mind into alignment with our soul that we function as we were intended by our creator.

Something to remember:  the ego thinks it’s who we are and it’s fighting for its life.  It is only a fictitious character that we have come to believe in.  It uses our mind to convince us of its seeming reality, and it is flawless in its logic.  The ego is the “thin–king” we created.  It only knows the past.  The data of our life experience thus far.  It has conned us into thinking it’s who we are, and it doesn’t want to acknowledge any other authority.  This is why the second requirement, pausing, seems so difficult.  If we ask, without pausing and letting go of all thought, the ego answers, as it always does and logically re-creates the past.  That is why the order form of these principles is crucial.

Asking, once we’re still, allows us to recognize the truth that is there beneath our thoughts.  Principles never fail, we can only fail to apply them.

The Core of Selfishness

I woke up around 5:45 am and started planning my day, the problems I might have, how to get it all done, the regular stuff.  I managed to mumble some kind of a prayer about God directing my thinking.  When I rolled over, my girlfriend was standing there wishing me a good morning….

She lives a few houses away.  I told her a hundred times I need my space in the morning and I felt the anger start.  I wanted to yell at her and throw her out, but I ‘knew’ something else… she climbed into bed (fully clothed) and wrapped herself around me… I asked God, what is going on here?  I just let, what is, be.  I started to feel something in my stomach… it felt good… this woman loved me.  Here she is offering me all this love and I want to throw her out.  Isn’t this what I’ve wanted my whole life… someone to just love me unconditionally?  I started to ask myself, what the hell is wrong with me.  I hadn’t noticed until then that when I first woke up I wasn’t feeling anything at all… it was all thought, and none of it very good.

But now, I was feeling good…  I rolled over to face her… I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was… how good she felt in my arms.  She got me out of my head with all its crazy thoughts, and into my body.  When I’m centered in my body, I feel good… when I feel good, I thank God for the feeling… when I thank God for the feeling, I appreciate life… when I appreciate life, I see the beauty of life everywhere.

And then it hit me, what my problem was and always has been… I’m so dam selfish!  I’d rather hang onto my own miserable thoughts than allow myself to experience the love that is constantly being offered to me by my creator through whatever is present in the moment.  I hold onto my own ideas at all costs.  It’s like I thumb my nose at the gift of life and try to create my own version of heaven, which usually turns out to be hell.

I read recently that the highest thoughts are those that contain joy… the highest words are those that contain truth… the highest feelings are those that we call love… these things are of God… anything else is not of God.  It matters not where you begin… one always leads to the other… thought… word… deed…

When she offered me the love and I let myself have it, my feelings changed… when my feelings changed, I told her how wonderful she was… when I told her the truth, my thoughts changed and I couldn’t even remember what I was worried about… I was living in God’s world… full of appreciation and love.  And by leaving the sex out there was no danger of perverting this moment into something selfish.

I recognized that it is only my selfish pursuit of my misdirected thoughts that produce my own misery.  Thank you God for that awareness!

Creation or distortion?

I was told recently to lighten up… not the first time I’ve heard that… but something was different.  Wear bright colors… laugh a lot… cut out the red meat and junk food… eat more veggies… try to eat organic.   Let me ask you a question;  who doesn’t know that?  It only makes sense, everybody knows that.

Another thing that came up for me at the same time was meditation… hell I been trying to meditate off and on all my life… again, everybody knows this stuff is good for you.  Seems like my life, the universe, God, situations, something, keeps coming back to these simple things… and basically I’ve said ‘no’ to them on a pretty regular basis, not that I want to admit to it, but honestly that’s what I’ve been doing.

This time, so far, I started to look at it a little differently… maybe cause I’ve spent a very small time in meditation, I don’t know.  Anyway, a title to a movie I’ve never seen keeps popping up in my head; The Unbearable Lightness of Being.  In my meditations I’ve been ‘seeing’ that ideas flow from the source of everything… they are like air, actually lighter than air… shear lightness of being… these ideas of love and light, light up in my mind…  my mind works with the light and makes it dense, kind of solidifies ideas into thoughts… the thoughts get more dense as they move into the physical world called my body… my body then moves the dense material around to create what my thought of the idea looks like, creating the world as I see it.  It’s creation working through me, creating my reality.

When I have struggles or ‘problems’ in my life it is because I am trying to make changes from the dense material world, but that is not how creation works.  Life gets heavy, problems seem real, life is a struggle, I can’t feel the joy, the love, I feel separated from God, and I create a distorted reality, I don’t have time to eat right, so I eat,  fast junk food, I’m always busy trying to catch up so I don’t have time to meditate or pray.  Even when I do pray it’s often selfish or done hastily in compliance mode.

So I need to remember it’s all light and love.  Creation allows for it to become a physical experience.  When I’m in pain or problems I just need to lighten it up… be enlightenment… and not get caught up in distorted reality.  In the world I can do those things I already know to do;  eat right, see the colorfulness of life, and laugh at the joy underneath it all and most of all… live from the unbearable lightness of being!  Thank you God!!

Self-evident Truths

We hold these truths to be Self-Evident… that all men are created equal…but why don’t we live that way?  The self we’ve been using is the smaller self.  It’s the person we think we are, with all the vast intelligence and self-centered, ego fed crap that we say we “believe”.  The illusive character behind the scenes that causes all our problems.  The mind powered computer that disconnects us from the truth of who we are, with all of it’s logic, schemes, and plans.  And yet, with all that.. we all, still know… at least on some level…no one should go hungry… we shouldn’t hurt each other.  Basic truths, we all know, but not from our mind, the source of the smaller self… but from our Soul… the higher Self.

It doesn’t take a genius to see we are all disconnected from our souls.  We’ve gone so far over board in developing our intellect, we’ve totally forgotten, who we really are.   Self-Evident truths never change… but we can refuse to re-cognize them… which we have all done… otherwise we’d be living them.  To go up against the norm is tough… it’s easier, we think, at least for the time being, to just go along with the game… make sure I get my share (although it’s always a little short of what I think I want)… and not think about how unbalanced it is.  But it’s getting late for all of us.   We are killing our chances of surviving as a species.  Oh, I know, it sounds so dramatic!  But the truth is so simple… we just won’t apply it!

It’s gonna take all of us, but it starts with just a few… how do we get connected?  We have been living apart for so many generations…. how do we go from living apart to being a part?  Equal parts of the One whole.

My friend Noel and I were inspired to create a workshop series on just how to re-member(become a member once again) of who we really are.  We call it: taking it A.P.A.R.T. so it can come together.  Living from Self-Evident truths is a lot easier than “thinking about it”.  When we be who we are, what we do is in harmony… when we think we’re what we’re not, we only do harm.

We have a unique and fun way of re-presenting truths in which participants actual experience them…  it’s not just information…  it’s application.  And that makes all the difference!

If you’d like to try a workshop send us your email and we’ll put you on our mailing list for workshops in your area.  And if you’re in the southern California area and would like to do a workshop for your organization, event, or group, please, email me your information and I’d be happy to talk to you about what we do.

It’s Time to … get yourself connected!

Recreation (take five)

Here’s what five minutes of meditation brought me this morning.

My thought life is unmanageable.  There is no way I can be satisfied by what my mind comes up with by itself.  What does that mean?  It means I am more than my mind.  Who I am is a three-part being, soul, mind, and body.  Because I never developed my soul, I try to figure out my life with my mind alone… bypass my soul…  and take action with my body.  I’m constantly chasing my tail.  I have to let go of my thoughts and allow who(?) I am, to be there.  The spiritual man.

Nothing I know from the neck up will save me.  What am I being saved from?  My mis-taken beliefs of who, “I think”, I am!

I get quiet…  use my words… to ask that presence… that is who… I am… to stop my thoughts… move into my heart…  feel that presence beating my heart…  breathing my breath.  When I feel that presence…  I am open to receive…   ideas…  flowing from my source… which inspires (inwardly spirits) my mind…  to create that which I am here to create.  My mind… is myend… of the one mind (of God).  When I pause…  and re-member who, I am…  creation expresses itself through me…  to create…  in harmony with other myends…  the world…  as creation intends it to be.

Now that I am in my heart…  inspirit-a-tion is flowing in…  as…  and through me.  I can take action…  using my body and mind, in the physical world…  to put these words on paper… to re-mind you…  to re-member…  who you are.  However, I’m still new at this.  I have an undisciplined mind… it runs on its own… most of the time… I disconnect from inspiration… the source of my creation… all day long…  and try to live on myend power alone.  When that happens…  I experience pain… discomfort… negativity… I have temporarily forgotten who I am.  I need you…whoever you are…  to re-mind me… of who… I am.  We are not a-lone, we are all-one!  We need… each… other.   Let’s co-operate and re-create together…  the world…  as it was always intended to be.

Join us for a little recreation… as we utilize percussion instruments in a drum circle setting to re-cognize, how to get, and stay, connected… both  individually… and collectively… to the one whole…

Send your email address to to get on our mailing list.  We’ll let you know where, in the southern California area, you can “get yourself connected”.

Till then just… take five……

Contamination – Hazardous Thinking

I took a HazMat training course for a company I once worked for.  One of the things I remembered is the statement that;  “dilution is not an acceptable form of disposal”.  The premise being that contamination still exists, although only in a minuscule amount and it has the potential to grow and multiply rapidly.  Without treatment the hazard is still there.

I’ve heard it said that if you keep pouring clean water in a container of dirty water, eventually it will become clear and clean.  However, according to science, it’s still contaminated.  Another way to put it is “if you start out from contamination and don’t treat it properly, it still exists, even though you might not be able to see it”.  Having a choice, it’s a no brain er to drink from a pure source rather than one that’s contaminated.

What we’re really talking about here is the principle of contamination.  Once something has become contaminated it needs to be treated or it can’t be used without further contamination.

What about our minds?  Haven’t we contaminated our minds with some of the thoughts we have?  We have so many mistaken ideas and wrong beliefs in our mind.  Is it any wonder the world is in the shape it’s in?  So what do we do… we try to have good thoughts…  we pour good thoughts into our mind… positive thoughts…  our thinking becomes clearer…   we feel better…  things seem to be clearing up…  but… according to the rule of dilution, our minds are still contaminated. Often it only takes one bad event…  one wrong thought…  and we start that troubled thinking again.  The virus, bacteria, or contaminates grows.  It multiplies rapidly until we’re back to toxic contamination, and negative thinking again.  So, you ask, how can we treat this mind to get rid of the contamination?  The answer is we can’t.

We have to start with a new container, an open mind.  A mind not occupied by our thoughts.  The good news is; there is, within each of us, a clear stream or pool of uncontaminated consciousness that we can go to for clean, clear inspiration.  It can’t be contaminated by the world; it is the essence of all that we are.  All that’s required is a letting go of the contaminated container, a simple request, and an openness to receive what comes.  A new container (like when you partition off a section of your hard drive because your computer has become corrupted) filled from a pure source and a living from that new container.  The corrupt container is still there, you just no longer use it.  We have a tendency to go back to the contaminated container because it’s so familiar to us.  It’s all we’ve ever known.  We can tell however, when we use the wrong container…   it just doesn’t feel right.  Every time that happens…  I mean every time….. just stop…. become quiet and ask.  That’s all it takes……

As we build an awareness that we’re using the wrong container we become more willing to surrender the corrupt thinking and begin again, new, from purity.  It has been described as being born again…  the living waters…  the water of life… Zen mind…  Christ consciousness…  and countless other names.  It is the surrender of the contaminated, corrupt, world view and the recognition of, and surrender to, the pure, divine consciousness that has always been there underneath our corrupt thinking.

Taking it A.P.A.R.T. so it can come together is a method that, when applied, treats contamination of thoughts.  Awareness of mistaken thin king; Pause and become still; Ask for peace, inspiration; Receive something (the most commonly used name for God); Trust, take action on what you received.

Thank you for taking time to read this.  Your soul knows the truth!  Go with the soul.

Ask and You Shall Receive

We need to be re-mind-ed because we appear to have forgotten who we are.  Everyone knows no one should be homeless… no one should go hungry… no one should hurt another, never mind kill.  Everyone knows no one should live in fear… everyone knows we need to help each other… that no one should go without healthcare.  No one needs to tell you these things, it doesn’t require a degree or any education at all…  we all know them…. Why… because we are all…. Each of us…. A part… not apart… or separate from… but an equal part… of the one whole called humanity.   We have given or very souls over to our Thin King…..  the very shallow, limited part of us we call our thinking.  Our thin-king is only one part of who we are… when we forget that, we get in trouble…  When we forget that… we can be tricked, manipulated, used and disposed off… in a New York minute.   Isn’t it time we woke up?   No matter how conned and fused we are, we always know what truth is.  The truth can’t be created or destroyed it simple is … and the truth will set you free.

If I know these truths like it says in our constitution.. we hold these truths to be self-evident… what part of us knows them… it surely isn’t our minds…. At least not the ones we’ve been living from… so there must be something else present in us that knows these truths.

Instead of asking our minds what we can do and coming up with that same old “nothing”…  why not ask the part that does know what to do, how we can change?   Ask and you shall receive, the man said.   Well ask!  Ask yourself…  but first ask the question, “Who are you?”.  Then be still and know I am God.  I am a live in you.  I am your very life expressing myself in as and through you.  I am with you always and in all ways.  I am the way, the truth, and the light.  Did you think I was kidding?

You have been listening to a storage device I gave you to function in the world called your mind.  Your mind is full of artificial intelligence but it is not who I am.  I am all you are but you are not all I am.  I have and will continue to offer you all I am.  When you co-operate with me, you feel Good, when you choose otherwise you don’t.  It is that simple!  You cannot change who I am but you can have a larger experience of it by co-operating with other expressions of who I am.

It’s not going to happen overnight.   You can’t just throw the whole world in reverse but you know you can’t believe the lies anymore… that there’s nothing you can do…  that’s just the way it is…  what can one person do… etc.

It all begins with a conversation I have with whoever’s listening when I’m by myself.  Can’t I just go into my heart of hearts and ask my creator…  what would you have me do?…  how do I be the person I came here to be?…  never mind all the stuff I think I know…  can I just start fresh today, this day?…  can you in-spire me with a brand new idea and give me the courage to share it with others?

Of course I can!  And you can too…   even if no one else does!  Change happens from the inside out!

Get Yourself Connected:  Connecting with who I am connects me:  … to my creator  … to others  … to the community  … to the world!

Pain is The Pay-In

A wise man once said ‘pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth’.  I never really got that before, it seemed pretty hard to me.  Why would I want pain?  It seemed the object of life was to avoid as much pain as possible.  I mean really, who likes pain?

I began to question; what if the pain is, in actuality, the price we have to pay, our admission fee, to this thing we call life.  It’s the cost for the opportunity to express the living presence in us in physical form.  As I begin to look at life from a pay-in perspective and notice the way pain presents itself to me, I can see that it sometimes doesn’t look like pain on the surface, but underneath any emotional upset is this pain.  Underneath everything, from the death of a loved one to someone cutting me off in traffic, is pain, the cost of being alive.  Once I can accept this apparent pain, something else begins to present itself to me…  a larger view, a bigger perspective… the pain actually opens me up to a much fuller experience of life… if I don’t listen to what my mind tries to tell me about what the pain means.  Then what I find is that the pay-in has actually forced me to stop using my mind as the end all be all for my life and purchased me the entrance fee to who, in truth, I am.  I re-member, become a member once again, of who and what I am, an equal part of the whole.  One.

We are all connected… to everything… but it goes way beyond my mind’s capacity to under-stand it.  That’s what the pain is for, so I can re-member…  I am so much more than my mind.  If, rather than always trying to under-stand life from my mind’s perspective, I remember who I  am and stand-under that truth, I am then free and in harmony with all of life.

The argument that my mind comes up with every time I try this is the pain, re-presented in another form.  Another opportunity to remember, to get myself connected.   Standing under the truth of who I am I can see pain as the pay-in I gladly surrender to, recognizing it as all good…  every bit of it… it’s all God.

Right On and Left Out

I woke up struggling with problems, again.  Okay, that’s what I don’t want and I can’t seem to change it.  Breathe, get quiet, ask for the truth…  what’s really going on…. stay quiet, listen.. I mean really listen…. desperately…. pick up a pad and paper and …. something said…

You’re in your left mind Paul… you have to be in your right mind, that’s where I am is… your left mind is logical, the data sorting part… you can’t live from there… it’s only history…  I am in your right brain… it’s how I am functioning in you… it’s where I in-spire you with what you need always and in all ways.  When you are in you right mind you can receive the ideas in-formation you can then use to be who you came here to be;  a perfectly unique expression of who I am.

Your left mind is only to be used to take those actions, producing in the physical world what we desire.  That is how you are a co-creator, with who… I am.

However, your left brain logic has created a character that thinks too much.  It thinks it’s who you are.  In the physical world this, re-membering the truth, will appear to take ‘time’. As you are re-membering, in your right mind, I am building in you a new character, right along side of the one you built because you were left (brained) out.  As always you have the choice of which character you choose to build.

Your mission Paul, should you decide to accept it, is to stay in your right mind, allow me to inspire you and then take the action from the inspiration using your left brain.  Should you forget to do so, I will wait until you get in your right mind.  Good luck Paul.

And you thought God was all serious….  I created humor!

(oh, and by the way, luck is my middle name)

Living from Truths

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  Yeah, of course I need to accept situations and everything in life, just the way it is, but why do I only apply that truth in order to come to grips with tragedy, cancer, death, sickness, unemployment, loss, people I don’t like, etc.?

I never thought, why don’t I accept the truth of who I am?  Naturally, that makes me ask the question, who am I?  We’re never taught to ask that question, but, now I’m getting down it, the core question, the one that determines my living experience.  I don’t know why I never thought about who I am, I just accepted what I was told, and what I tell myself, about who I am.  So my seeming reality is a story I made up about who I think I am and I keep re-creating it, over and over, again.

I need a new beginning.  One that starts from fundamental truths that never fail, ones that are always, in all ways, true.  I’ve been believing the lie for so long, I failed to recognize true life principles.  My mind looks for the exception always, so I can’t use it to find these truths.  I know that sounds crazy but hang in there with me.

Every human being has a heart that beats, if they’re alive, the heart is beating, and we didn’t have to figure out how.  It just beats.  We didn’t start it and we can’t stop it.  (Watch how quick your mind jumps in to say ‘I could kill myself’ or something equally as insane just to prove itself right.)

All of us are breathing.  We didn’t start that either and we can’t stop it.  So there are some truths that are always true, it’s just our little egos (the story of who we think we are) that have a problem with that.  Agree with it or not, the truth is still true.

Rather than trying to figure out who’s right, what if, I see for myself?  What if, it is an abundant universe?  What if, love is all I am?  What if, infinite joy is trying to express itself as me, right now?  What if, everything I ever needed is already within me?  What if, I came here with a special uniqueness that is needed in the world?  What if, each of us, adding our special part, adds to the whole and we all become more of who we are?  What if, that is, the real world, and I’ve just been be-lie-ving a lie?

Could it just be I’ve had the wrong be-lie-ifs?  What if, I just be-live and forget about the ifs?  Be live, each moment, in the gift called the present, liv-ing from truths that never fail.  We already know, in our hearts, what the truth is.  It’s already there, it’s who we are, we just need to start living from it.

Living from my experience of truths is all I can do personally, but, I need you to experience more of who, We are.  It starts with a friendly conversation… get yourself connected… eight billion people aren’t here so they can do it alone….

We are all free to “Ask and you shall Receive”, it’s an inside job!