Ask and You Shall Receive

We need to be re-mind-ed because we appear to have forgotten who we are.  Everyone knows no one should be homeless… no one should go hungry… no one should hurt another, never mind kill.  Everyone knows no one should live in fear… everyone knows we need to help each other… that no one should go without healthcare.  No one needs to tell you these things, it doesn’t require a degree or any education at all…  we all know them…. Why… because we are all…. Each of us…. A part… not apart… or separate from… but an equal part… of the one whole called humanity.   We have given or very souls over to our Thin King…..  the very shallow, limited part of us we call our thinking.  Our thin-king is only one part of who we are… when we forget that, we get in trouble…  When we forget that… we can be tricked, manipulated, used and disposed off… in a New York minute.   Isn’t it time we woke up?   No matter how conned and fused we are, we always know what truth is.  The truth can’t be created or destroyed it simple is … and the truth will set you free.

If I know these truths like it says in our constitution.. we hold these truths to be self-evident… what part of us knows them… it surely isn’t our minds…. At least not the ones we’ve been living from… so there must be something else present in us that knows these truths.

Instead of asking our minds what we can do and coming up with that same old “nothing”…  why not ask the part that does know what to do, how we can change?   Ask and you shall receive, the man said.   Well ask!  Ask yourself…  but first ask the question, “Who are you?”.  Then be still and know I am God.  I am a live in you.  I am your very life expressing myself in as and through you.  I am with you always and in all ways.  I am the way, the truth, and the light.  Did you think I was kidding?

You have been listening to a storage device I gave you to function in the world called your mind.  Your mind is full of artificial intelligence but it is not who I am.  I am all you are but you are not all I am.  I have and will continue to offer you all I am.  When you co-operate with me, you feel Good, when you choose otherwise you don’t.  It is that simple!  You cannot change who I am but you can have a larger experience of it by co-operating with other expressions of who I am.

It’s not going to happen overnight.   You can’t just throw the whole world in reverse but you know you can’t believe the lies anymore… that there’s nothing you can do…  that’s just the way it is…  what can one person do… etc.

It all begins with a conversation I have with whoever’s listening when I’m by myself.  Can’t I just go into my heart of hearts and ask my creator…  what would you have me do?…  how do I be the person I came here to be?…  never mind all the stuff I think I know…  can I just start fresh today, this day?…  can you in-spire me with a brand new idea and give me the courage to share it with others?

Of course I can!  And you can too…   even if no one else does!  Change happens from the inside out!

Get Yourself Connected:  Connecting with who I am connects me:  … to my creator  … to others  … to the community  … to the world!

Pain is The Pay-In

A wise man once said ‘pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth’.  I never really got that before, it seemed pretty hard to me.  Why would I want pain?  It seemed the object of life was to avoid as much pain as possible.  I mean really, who likes pain?

I began to question; what if the pain is, in actuality, the price we have to pay, our admission fee, to this thing we call life.  It’s the cost for the opportunity to express the living presence in us in physical form.  As I begin to look at life from a pay-in perspective and notice the way pain presents itself to me, I can see that it sometimes doesn’t look like pain on the surface, but underneath any emotional upset is this pain.  Underneath everything, from the death of a loved one to someone cutting me off in traffic, is pain, the cost of being alive.  Once I can accept this apparent pain, something else begins to present itself to me…  a larger view, a bigger perspective… the pain actually opens me up to a much fuller experience of life… if I don’t listen to what my mind tries to tell me about what the pain means.  Then what I find is that the pay-in has actually forced me to stop using my mind as the end all be all for my life and purchased me the entrance fee to who, in truth, I am.  I re-member, become a member once again, of who and what I am, an equal part of the whole.  One.

We are all connected… to everything… but it goes way beyond my mind’s capacity to under-stand it.  That’s what the pain is for, so I can re-member…  I am so much more than my mind.  If, rather than always trying to under-stand life from my mind’s perspective, I remember who I  am and stand-under that truth, I am then free and in harmony with all of life.

The argument that my mind comes up with every time I try this is the pain, re-presented in another form.  Another opportunity to remember, to get myself connected.   Standing under the truth of who I am I can see pain as the pay-in I gladly surrender to, recognizing it as all good…  every bit of it… it’s all God.

Living from Truths

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  Yeah, of course I need to accept situations and everything in life, just the way it is, but why do I only apply that truth in order to come to grips with tragedy, cancer, death, sickness, unemployment, loss, people I don’t like, etc.?

I never thought, why don’t I accept the truth of who I am?  Naturally, that makes me ask the question, who am I?  We’re never taught to ask that question, but, now I’m getting down it, the core question, the one that determines my living experience.  I don’t know why I never thought about who I am, I just accepted what I was told, and what I tell myself, about who I am.  So my seeming reality is a story I made up about who I think I am and I keep re-creating it, over and over, again.

I need a new beginning.  One that starts from fundamental truths that never fail, ones that are always, in all ways, true.  I’ve been believing the lie for so long, I failed to recognize true life principles.  My mind looks for the exception always, so I can’t use it to find these truths.  I know that sounds crazy but hang in there with me.

Every human being has a heart that beats, if they’re alive, the heart is beating, and we didn’t have to figure out how.  It just beats.  We didn’t start it and we can’t stop it.  (Watch how quick your mind jumps in to say ‘I could kill myself’ or something equally as insane just to prove itself right.)

All of us are breathing.  We didn’t start that either and we can’t stop it.  So there are some truths that are always true, it’s just our little egos (the story of who we think we are) that have a problem with that.  Agree with it or not, the truth is still true.

Rather than trying to figure out who’s right, what if, I see for myself?  What if, it is an abundant universe?  What if, love is all I am?  What if, infinite joy is trying to express itself as me, right now?  What if, everything I ever needed is already within me?  What if, I came here with a special uniqueness that is needed in the world?  What if, each of us, adding our special part, adds to the whole and we all become more of who we are?  What if, that is, the real world, and I’ve just been be-lie-ving a lie?

Could it just be I’ve had the wrong be-lie-ifs?  What if, I just be-live and forget about the ifs?  Be live, each moment, in the gift called the present, liv-ing from truths that never fail.  We already know, in our hearts, what the truth is.  It’s already there, it’s who we are, we just need to start living from it.

Living from my experience of truths is all I can do personally, but, I need you to experience more of who, We are.  It starts with a friendly conversation… get yourself connected… eight billion people aren’t here so they can do it alone….

We are all free to “Ask and you shall Receive”, it’s an inside job!


Soul mates, what’s that mean?  I just signed up for a course on finding your soul mate.  Like a lot of things I do, I just want to be open to possibilities, there so much to learn.  This is not a topic I would have ever thought I’d write about but I get these… ‘hits’… intuitive flashes… well…  all right…  God tells me stuff!  Sometimes it happens like this….

I was writing an email to a family member inviting them to join this free workshop series and I wrote the words;  ‘I’m not trying to get her’.  Yet all my life I’ve been trying to get her, the right one.  The one that fits.  It’s not an obsession, at least I don’t ‘think’ it is.  Like most of us, I’d just like a partner to share my life with.

The next idea that comes to me is that what is trying to emerge in me is my soul, the part of me that is connected, to everything.  I ‘wake up’ and re-cognize, the ‘to get her’ thing I’ve been chasing, is really my own soul growing, emerging so that I can be ‘together’… whole and complete in my own experience.  It’s the feminine quality in me, the intuitive, receptive, feeling part of my nature that I have disconnected from that is emerging in me, the desire to be happily and usefully whole.  I can’t re-cognize my soul mate until I be who I am, whole and complete, otherwise I look for my own togetherness in the other person.

As I open up to all aspects of who I am, I grow in-depth and weight.  Everything happens from the inside out, so only when I am connected (together) internally can I expect, ‘to get her’ as an external expression of my internal state.  Sharing the experiences of being together, and connecting with  each other in an intimate way is how two souls mate, maybe just for a time, or a season.

But what about soul-mates?  I guess I’ll have to see what the workshop holds.

If you’d like to join in the free workshop that starts tomorrow, 7/10:

Get Yourself Connected with Drum Circle Workshops!

Pick a Path / Connect to the Group

What is the importance of a group and what is a group anyway?  When I asked those questions in meditation, or, I should say those questions were presented in meditation.  They really weren’t my questions, I’d never asked them before.  So why was I asking them now?  hmm….

A group, by definition is:  many components that make up a whole or many things gathered together for a purpose.  If something is missing from a group, it’s not the same group.  It’s not the way it was intended.  Intended by who; whoever created it!

In the case of a car, if the AC isn’t working is it still a car?  But it’s not the same car is it?  It’s not the way it was intended by whoever designed the car.  It still works great otherwise, but we always know, especially on a hot day, something is missing.  Most likely we will get it fixed as soon as possible because we want it to be as it was intended.

So awareness that something is missing is the first thing that happens when a group isn’t whole.  This is a principle found in all groups.  If a component of the group is missing, we intuitively know something is missing.  We may be able to get along without it, but on some level, we still know, something is missing.

The second thing that happens, when something is missing in a group is, the remaining components have to make up for the missing part and they try to do things they were never intended to do.  In the case of our car, with us in the car, we become part of the new group called the car and us.  With no AC, we put the windows down in the hope that the air will cool us off, maybe we adjust the vents, put the fan on, etc., but nothing really works and we miss the AC.

The third thing that happens when a group is not complete is we reach outside the group to try to find something to fill the hole.  We get a small fan and mount it on the dashboard, get some ice water or a cold drink, but nothing really works.  We will always know the AC is missing.  That’s a man-made group, a car.

What about naturally occurring groups?  Plants, animals, humans, these are not man-made groups, but they function the same.  Let’s just look at the human group;  many components that make up the group called humanity for the purpose of being human.  Humans are the only group that thinks it can separate itself from the group it belongs to.  We have black and white, christian and muslim, fat and skinny, old and young, you get the picture…  Every time we create an imaginary ‘sub’ group, we get further and further away from our connection to the group we belong to and intuitively we know something is missing.  We have gotten so dis-connected from our group, we have forgotten who we are, human beings.  In our attempt to find a solution outside the group, we grab for more of everything, in the hope we will fill the hole, we become human doings, not beings.

We are three-part beings, each of us. Spirit (the animating principle in living things), mind, and body, our group.  We have over-developed our minds and our bodies but we failed to develop our spiritual lives.  Intuitively we know something is missing in our group.  In our car example, we can see what is missing so we know what it is.  We can’t see with our eyes what our spirit looks like, yet it is the most important part, our animating principle.  We can’t really lose our connection, but we can, ‘think’ we can.

Isn’t it about time!  About time to get connected.  There are many paths we can utilize to connect with our spirit, many methods we can use, we don’t have to re-invent the wheel here!  What we do have to learn, however,  is when we go off in the wrong direction.  It’s not that difficult.  We get off-track when we use our minds to try to decide purpose, instead of our hearts.  We act on what we already know in our little pea brains instead of relying on our connection to our source, with infinite intelligence.  Our minds developed an ego that says “I’m all you got”, but the ego doesn’t know what it doesn’t know.

In the case of our car metaphor, don’t you think the guy that designed the car would be the best one to contact if the car isn’t operating properly?  He would at least know how to put you in touch with what to do or who to see to solve the problem.

Why is it that we don’t contact our creator and ask “hey, our group is screwed up, we forgot we are all equal parts of the one whole, humanity.  What can I do today, how can I co-operate with the other members of humanity?”  When we complain we become aware of the problem, (we need to stop all action, get quiet, ask, receive, and taking action on what we receive), when we co-operate the solution presents itself. 

No matter how smart we think we are, the problem is in the mind, and you can’t fix the mind using the mind.  Whatever path you choose, look for similarities, what makes us alike, not the differences.  The differences are only there so we can see what needs to change in us.  We have to start with a new perception for any real change occur.

So… pick a path… your path… but ask your soul what the words mean for you… don’t question the answer you get… your soul knows what is right for you in each moment… don’t be afraid… you are not alone… and allow others their path… rejoice, together in the similarities and make the connection!


The evolution of my soul.  I used to have a hard time with that word, evolution.  I thought it was in conflict with God somehow.  It actually isn’t in conflict with anything, actually it is in harmony with everything.  Science tells me that everything changes all the time.  Nothing I look at today is the same as it was yesterday.  Everything is evolving and growing.  If it’s true in one area of life, it’s true in all, so of course the re-cognition of my soul is evolving too.  Since my soul, or spirit, is directly linked to my creator, the expression of who I am, as intended by my creator, is constantly expanding, becoming more of what my creator’s intention for me is.

Whenever I cut off that link to my creator, I am limited to the information I already know and I immediately rely on my mind (the storage base of everything I’ve experienced, and the power I normally use) to make the choices for who I am and who I am becoming.  I attempt to use logic and intellect to solve my problems and sometimes, it works.  It’s kind of like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  It seems to work for a while but with no inspiration, and the mind’s insistence that it is right, no new life can flow and eventually I outsmart myself and I’m left with a bigger problem, or I create a whole new problem down the road.  My mind is always looking for the bottom line, the finished product, complete, but life doesn’t work that way.  Like it or not, everything evolves or grows to the next higher level, or it dies out.

So I can’t figure this thing out is my first step.  I need to rely on this thing that I can’t see or touch, called my soul, my connection to my creator for inspiration.  Only my ego stands in the way(what I think I know).  I can see how powerful and arrogant it is by how unwilling, I often am, to even ask for inspiration, let alone, getting still, letting go of all my ‘great’ ideas, and waiting for what shows up.

My experience with doing this and then taking action on what I receive (over and over again) has enabled me to express myself in ways that I never dreamed I could, or even knew I wanted to, like this blog.  I read somewhere that “Deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of God… it is only there that it can be found”.  That ‘idea’ is growing in all of us, like it or not.  Its like I was asleep, using my mind as if it was, absolutely, who I am, the ultimate authority.  It’s time to wake up!  I find that if I co-operate and allow my soul to express itself as me, I live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what the seeming evidence to the contrary.

With all the problems we are now facing, our only real solution is the soul-ution.  Allow our soul to be the power for our lives and live from that place.  You already know this…  if you get quiet for a minute and stop listening to the noise in your head.  If you try it… the truth becomes Self-evident,.  If you start arguing with it… get quiet again… let go… and ask again… it is the simplest thing in the world, but its not easy.

When I question my minds authority by asking my soul for inspiration and watch what my mind tells me; I am then looking at the only thing that stands in the way of my seeing the truth.  And the truth is; God is expressing himself to me, through me, and as me all the time, I just wasn’t listening.  Each day (each moment) is a new beginning!

Begin your own conversation right now.

Who’s Idea Is It?

I was reading a book the other day by one of my favorite authors.  It blew me away that he was talking about the same thing I had just written about, just slightly different.  My first thought was, “Did I steal his idea?”

This has happened many times in the past, I used to just assume I’d read their work before.  Or else I’d think, “somebody’s already doing this”, and that would be enough to stop me.  I’d often wonder, “How do you come up with an original idea?”  And how do you protect it, so no one can steal your idea?  We have things like copy writes, deeds, titles, ownership and confidentiality agreements which I’m sure are necessary.  These are the rules we play by in the world we have created.

I have a different outlook on it today.  Consider this approach.  Underneath all seeming evidence to the contrary, we are all part of the One Whole (Sole).   You and I are individualized unique (soul) expressions of this Sole.  All souls within a group make up the Whole group, in this case human beings.  No one soul is more or less important than another, they are just equal parts of the whole.

There is only one mind, the mind of the One, ever-expanding.  In each of us is a part of the One mind to use as we choose.  You might say, we are each a thought in the mind of the One mind.  Stay with me here.  We are constantly being given new ideas coming from the One mind which is the source of all ideas but because we have forgotten who we are, we think our thoughts belong to us individually.  Rather than cooperating with the other thoughts (to create what the One mind has in mind) we compete with the other thoughts because we have come to believe “our thoughts” are better or more important.

We are given the freedom to re-member    We are free to create our own seeming reality or we can re-member (become a member once again of the mind of the One).  The mind of the One is perfect, whole, and complete, knows all things, can do all things, and is all things.  With my piece of the One mind I am free to choose to believe I can create something other than the truth and then act on that belief.

The cool thing about principles, when you consider them, is that they are always true and are never, not true.   If the truth is we are all One then it doesn’t matter what I think I know, it’s still true.  All ideas come from the mind of the One, since we are all one, all we have to do is remember, in a split second, the truth.  In that second we have access to all knowledge, hence in-spire-ation happens.  My egoic self, that thinks I’m separate, thinks I just thought it up myself.  Then fear comes in to tell me I need to protect “my idea” and I claim ownership of the idea, as if it was mine alone.

When I started having inspiration and began to see things that others have seen and written about, I was coming from the old egoic thinking.  Now I see it as it truly is:  when I align myself with the truth and live in accordance with true principles, even a little, I, at least to a small degree, make myself ready to receive this inspiration.

The most amazing thing is that all I have to do is build an awareness of what is not true, ask the truth to remove it and the truth becomes self-evident.

When We Stand Together

I was talking to my friend today, as he was waiting for the bus.  I was telling him about this song I heard by Nichelback:       When We Stand Together .  He was telling me about how they are a Canadian band from Vancouver and what a coincidence it was because some friends of his from Vancouver just stopped in L.A. and had lunch with him yesterday.  They were on their way back from Mexico to Vancouver.  He was saying how great it was to make the connection with his old friends.

We end our conversation because his bus comes.  He calls me back right away to tell me that when he got on the bus and put the change in the meter it wouldn’t take one of the nichels.  The driver said to him “maybe it’s a Canadian coin”, and he just let my friend on.  So I said to him, “so you got your Nichelback”!

The point is, sometimes you can really feel that thread that connects us all.  It’s not figureoutable from our minds, but it’s felt in our hearts.  Just like the song says “we must stand together”.

The Experience of Truth

As we continue to build a lasting connection to our spirit we become happily and usefully whole. Once we connect with our wholeness, we need nothing. We are then free to make the connection to a larger whole. A whole family. A whole community. A whole country, or maybe a Whole World! Continue reading