When We Stand Together

I was talking to my friend today, as he was waiting for the bus.  I was telling him about this song I heard by Nichelback:       When We Stand Together .  He was telling me about how they are a Canadian band from Vancouver and what a coincidence it was because some friends of his from Vancouver just stopped in L.A. and had lunch with him yesterday.  They were on their way back from Mexico to Vancouver.  He was saying how great it was to make the connection with his old friends.

We end our conversation because his bus comes.  He calls me back right away to tell me that when he got on the bus and put the change in the meter it wouldn’t take one of the nichels.  The driver said to him “maybe it’s a Canadian coin”, and he just let my friend on.  So I said to him, “so you got your Nichelback”!

The point is, sometimes you can really feel that thread that connects us all.  It’s not figureoutable from our minds, but it’s felt in our hearts.  Just like the song says “we must stand together”.